DLL-files starting with a
- A0 DK1 [Stereo].dll A0 DK1
- A0 DK1.dll A0 DK1
- A0 xChorus II.dll Chorus VST plugin.
- a0000191.dll Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec
- a0000208.dll NAV Agent Command Library.
- a0000210.dll Norton AntiVirus Instant Message Scanner
- a0001721.dll Microsoft Update Custom Component Locator
- a0001725.dll WWW-tjдnst
- a0001726.dll Include-tillдgg fцr Microsoft Server Side
- a0001727.dll Service Pack-meddelanden
- a0001728.dll IIS NT specific library
- a0001729.dll Asynchronous Thread Queue
- a0001730.dll Microsoft Internet Information Services Helper library
- a0001731.dll ADs IIS Provider Schema Initialization DLL
- a0001732.dll Microsoft ODBC HTTP Server Extension
- a0001733.dll HTTP Extensions for Windows NT
- a0001734.dll FTP-tjдnst
- a0001735.dll Active Server Pages
- a0001747.dll Service Pack-meddelanden
- a0001758.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs
- a0002988.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Administration Snapin
- a0002990.dll
- a0002992.dll Microsoft FrontPage Web Extender Library DLL
- a0002993.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions for O'Reilly Website
- a0002996.dll Microsoft FrontPage Utility DLL
- a0002997.dll Microsoft FrontPage Text Library
- a0002999.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Microsoft Personal Web Server
- a0003000.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Netscape Servers
- a0003001.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions for Microsoft IIS
- a0003002.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
- a0003003.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
- a0004055.dll Microsoft Replication Library
- a0004056.dll Service Pack-meddelanden
- a0004057.dll Microsoft Jet Text Isam
- a0004058.dll Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
- a0004061.dll Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
- a0004062.dll Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
- a0004063.dll Microsoft Jet Sort-bibliotek
- a0004064.dll Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
- a0004066.dll Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam
- a0004068.dll Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
- a0004070.dll Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam
- a0004071.dll Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
- a0004074.dll Microsoft Jet Engine Library
- a0004075.dll Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
- a0097021.dll Distributed COM Services
- a0097022.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime
- a0097023.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows
- a1.dll A1 Analog Synth Unit
- a1spi.dll SPICALL DLL
- a1usd.dll Scanner MiniDriver
- a3d.dll Audio3D
- a3dapi.dll Aureal A3D API DLL
- a4ii3spi.dll DS<->Driver Medium
- a4s2_j.dll SFG MFC Application
- aaaamon.dll Aaaa Monitor DLL
- aac.1.dll AAC DLL
- aac.dll AAC DLL
- aacenc32.1.dll AACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library
- aacenc32.dll AACEnc - 32 bit floating point AAC encoder library
- aacmp32.dll AAC 32-bit helper
- aacplus.dll Ahead AAC / AAC-Plus Audio Decoder
- aaffmt.dll Audible File Format Plugin
- aamd532.dll aamd532 DLL
- aatp.dll Mobile Channel Transport Protocol
- aawhelper.dll
- abc.dll Actuate LRX API
- abframe.dll Address Book Frame ATL Control Module, Version 9.0
- abls.dll ABLS DLL
- abmres.dll
- about_rc.dll About
- absetup.dll AbSetup DLL
- ac1st15.dll Ac1st15.dll
- ac1st16.dll ac1st16.dll
- ac3api.dll ac3api
- acadbtn.dll AutoCAD Button Resource Library
- acadficn.dll acadficn
- acadficn16.dll acadficn
- acadinet.dll AcadInet DLL
- acadinetres.dll AcadInetRes Resource DLL
- acadres.dll AutoCAD Resource Library
- acasetupres.dll AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acbr15.dll Acis 6 based file
- accessibility.dll
- accessiblemarshal.dll
- acchart.dll Application Center 2000 Admin Interface
- acconn.dll Bestandteil von ArCon
- account.dll Account component
- accountmgr.dll Suite Integration Toolkit Object
- accuimr5.dll AccuSoft Image Format Library/Windows NT DLL
- ACCWIZ.dll Microsoft Access Wizard Controls
- acdappinfo.dll ACDAppInfo DLL
- acdappinfo40.dll ACDAppInfo DLL
- acdappinfo50.dll ACDAppInfo DLL
- acdb15.dll acdb15.dll
- acdb16.dll acdb16.dll
- acdb16enures.dll acdb16dres.dll
- acdbase.dll acdbase
- acdblclkeditres.dll AcDblClkEditRes Resource DLL
- acdcframeres.dll dcframeRes Resource DLL
- acdcgrid.dll ObjGrid DLL Shared Library - Release Version
- acdcgridas.dll ObjGrid DLL Shared Library - Release Version
- acdchatchres.dll dchatchRes Resource DLL
- acdcimagesres.dll dcimageRes Resource DLL
- acdclayoutsres.dll AcDcLayoutRes Resource DLL
- acdclclient.dll ACDCLClient
- acdclclient30.dll ACDCLClient
- acdclinetypesres.dll dcltypeRes Resource DLL
- acdcsymbolsres.dll dcsymbRes Resource DLL
- acdctextstylesres.dll dctxtstyRes Resource DLL
- acdcutils.dll dcUtils Application
- acdcutilsres.dll dcUtilsRes Resource DLL
- acdcxrefsres.dll dcxrefRes Resource DLL
- acddptyperes.dll AcDdptype AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acddvpointres.dll AcDdvpoint AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acdfulllicense.dll ACDFullLicense
- acdimres.dll AcDimRes DLL
- acdintouch.dll ACDInTouch DLL
- acdintouch40.dll ACDInTouch DLL
- acdintouch50.dll ACDInTouch DLL
- acdisp.dll Norton Internet Security Application Control Dispatch
- acdlg.dll ArCon Dialog-DLL fьr MFC-Dialoge
- acdorderres.dll Draw Order Resource DLL
- acdsee.dll ACDSee Plug-In for ATI Remote Wonder.
- acdtriallicense.dll ACDTrialLicense
- ace.dll WinAce ACE Dynamic Link Library
- ace2.dll MathConnex Language DLL
- ace32.dll Advantage Client Engine DLL
- acelite.dll Adobe Color Engine
- aceplotxres.dll ARX_MFCRes Resource DLL
- acerscad.dll USB User Mode WIAMinidriver
- acetransmit.dll acpackeng DLL
- acetransmitres.dll acpackengRes Resource DLL
- acexpl.dll Objekt- und Texturkatalog
- acexpldb.dll
- acfilterres.dll AcFilter AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acfocusctrl16.dll AcFocusCtrl Module
- acfolie.dll ArCon-Dll zum Folien-Import/-Export
- acge15.dll AutoCAD Geometry Library
- acge16.dll acge16.dll
- acgenral.dll Windows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
- acgs.dll AutoCAD 3D Graphics System
- acgsconfigres.dll 3D Config ObjectARX Application
- acgsimage.dll AutoCAD 3D Graphics System Image Module
- acgsres.dll AutoCAD 3D Graphics System Resource DLL
- achlnkuires.dll HyperLinksRes Resource DLL
- acidropmgrres.dll AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acil.dll
- acinetengine16.dll AcInetEngine Module
- acinetuires.dll AcInetUiRes Module
- acismenu.dll ACIS external message database
- acismuires.dll acISMuiRes Resource DLL
- aclayers.dll Windows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
- aclddib.dll Image Library
- acledit.dll Access Control List Editor
- aclui.dll Security Descriptor Editor
- acmail.dll AcMail.dll
- acmatchres.dll matchRes Resource DLL
- acme.dll
- acmpolygoncom.dll MPolygonCOM Module
- acmstream.dll ACM Decompression Engine
- acmtedres.dll ACMTEd
- acmwrapperv2.dll Roxio ACMWrapperServer
- aco2c.dll Support DLL for o2c files
- acopmextres.dll AcOpmExtRes Resource DLL
- acopmres.dll opmRes Resource DLL
- acoscaleres.dll OleRescaleRes Resource DLL
- acpires.dll AcpiRes DLL
- acpltstampres.dll AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acproductinfo.dll Application Center 2000 Product Information
- acpurgeres.dll PURGERES Resource DLL
- acraumbu.dll AcRaumbu
- acrd10sm.dll ACrd10SM
- acres.dll Application Compatibility Message Library
- acrodistdll.dll Acrobat Distiller
- acroiehelper.dll Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX
- acropdf.dll PDF Browser Control
- acrord32.dll Adobe Reader 7.0
- acrx15.dll acrx15.dll
- acscompdll.dll Auran Jet [KernelStandard]
- acsfm.dll SF DLL
- acshape.dll Shape Editor
- acshellext.dll MP3 Audio Converter
- acshellextui.dll MP3 Audio Converter
- acsignappres.dll AcSignApp Resources
- acsigncore16.dll AcSignCore Module
- acsignext.dll AcSignExt Module
- acsignextres.dll AcSignExtRes Module
- acsignicon.dll AcSignIcon Module
- acspecfc.dll Windows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
- acsrtl.dll ACS RunTime Library
- acstdbatch.dll AcStdBatch Module
- acstdstyle.dll acstdstyle Module
- acstmgr.dll acstmgr Module
- acstobo.dll lmStoBo DLL
- actc.dll AcTc DLL
- actcres.dll AcTcRes Resource DLL
- actctoolsres.dll AcTcToolsRes Resource DLL
- actcui.dll AcTcUi DLL
- actcuires.dll AcTcUiRes Resource DLL
- acthumbnail16.dll AcThumbnail Module
- action.dll
- activeds.dll ADs Router Layer DLL
- actlib.dll actlib
- actole.dll ACTOLE DLL
- actpcatalogres.dll AcTpCatalogRes Resource DLL
- actproxy.dll Act recording proxy
- actrpt.dll ActiveReports
- actrtl.dll ACS RunTime Library
- actscaleres.dll acTscale Resources
- actscore.dll Kaplan ACT Scoring RT97 DLL
- actver.dll Version checking library
- actxprxy.dll ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
- acui15.dll AcUi DLL
- acui16.dll AcUi DLL
- acui16res.dll AcUiRes Resource DLL
- acurlutl16.dll dburlutl Application
- acutil.dll AcUtil DLL
- acutil15.dll acutil15.dll.dll
- acutxmldom16.dll AcUtXmlDOM DLL
- acvbares.dll AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acverfyr.dll Windows 2000 Shim Accessory DLL
- acvisu.dll Renerdering, wall clipping, wall generation ...
- acvmtoolsres.dll VMTools Resource DLL
- acwebpublishres.dll AcWebPublishres Resource DLL
- acwipeoutres.dll AcWipeoutRes Module
- ACWIZRC.dll DLL internationale des Assistants Microsoft Access
- acxopenres.dll Xref Open Resources
- acxploderes.dll AcXplode AutoCAD Resource DLL
- acxtrnal.dll Windows Compatibility DLL
- ad2kregp.dll %hostfont% Plug-in
- adal.dll Database Abstraction Layer
- adbenotifier.dll Acrobat Reader for Palm OS Application Notifier
- adctrls.dll ADCTRLS DLL
- adctrlsres.dll ADCTRLSRES DLL
- addplwizres.dll Autodesk Hardcopy Add-A-Plotter Resource DLL
- addrprsr.dll Outlook Address Parser
- addsccus.dll Microsoft SourceSafe Add-In Resource DLL
- adesksys.dll Autodesk System DLL
- adfactry.dll Active Delivery Factory
- adftp.dll AdFTP FTP Shell Extension
- adftpres.dll AdFTPRes Resource DLL
- adimagingservices.dll Autodesk Imaging Services
- adlmbase.dll Autodesk AdlmBase DLL
- adlmdll.dll Autodesk Adlmdll DLL
- adlmres.dll Autodesk Adlm Resource DLL
- admcmpgdec.dll MPEG Stream Decoder
- adme.dll MS DTC contact manager DLL
- admexs.dll IIS AdminEx sample DLL
- admin.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
- adminchk.dll adminchk
- adminmisc.dll Win32::AdminMisc for v5.005 (ActiveState) Win32 Perl
- admin_mm.dll Admin Mod plugin to Metamod
- admpegin.dll MPEG File Decoder
- admpgaout.dll MPEG Audio Encoder
- admpgcheck.dll MPEG Settings Checker
- admpgmux.dll MPEG Multiplexer
- admpgvout.dll MPEG Video Wrapper
- admwprox.dll IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll
- admxprox.dll IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll
- adniwacadgroup.dll AdNiwAcadGroup Module
- ado2.dll
- adobedocmeta.dll Adobe DocMetaLib
- adobeisf.dll Adobeisf
- adobelinguistic.dll Linguistic Library
- adobelm.dll AdobeLM
- Adobelmsvc Installer.dll SafeCast2
- adobeols.dll Adobe Online Services Library
- adobepdf.dll Acrobat ® PDF Port
- adobepdfmakerx.dll AdobePDFMaker ActiveX Automation Server
- adobeps5.dll Adobe PostScript Printer Driver
- adobepsu.dll Adobe PostScript Driver User Interface
- adobeupdater.dll Adobe Updater Library
- adobeupdaterapp.dll Adobe Updater
- adobeweb.dll AdobeWeb.dll
- adobexmp.dll Adobe XMP Toolkit
- adoce31.dll ADOCE Control
- adocedb31.dll ADOCE CEDB Interface
- adoceoledb31.dll ADOCE OLEDB Interface
- adodb.dll
- adofiltr.dll ActiveSync File Conversion
- adosync.dll ADOCE Sync Stub
- adoxce31.dll Microsoft ADOCE DDL Extentions
- adpageview.dll Autodesk Page Viewer Control
- adpcm.dll Microsoft ADPCM CODEC - Driver Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
- adpcmaout.dll MPEG PCM Audio
- adprop.dll Windows Active Directory Admin Property Pages
- adptif.dll IPX Interface via WinSock
- adrefmanres.dll AdRefManRes Module
- adresc16.dll IRichEditSpecialChar Proxy/Stub DLL
- adrot.dll MSWC Advertisement Rotator
- adsiedit.dll ADSI Edit
- adsiis.dll ADs IIS Provider DLL
- adsiis51.dll ADs IIS Provider DLL
- adsldp.dll ADs LDAP Provider DLL
- adsldpc.dll ADs LDAP Provider C DLL
- adsloc32.dll 32-bit Advantage Local Server
- adsmsext.dll ADs LDAP Provider DLL
- adsnds.dll ADs NDS Provider DLL
- adsnt.dll ADs Windows NT Provider DLL
- adsnw.dll ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
- adui15.dll adui DLL
- adui16.dll adui DLL
- adui16res.dll aduiRes Resource DLL
- adv01nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv01w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv02nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv02w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv05nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv05w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv07nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv07w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv08nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv09nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv11nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adv11w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- adview.dll Autodesk Express Viewer Control
- advrcntr.dll AdvrCntr Module
- advrcntr2.dll AdvrCntr Module
- aec.dll Aec.dll - Building Plan Solution
- aefilter.dll
- afengine.dll AfSetup
- afterfx.dll Adobe After Effects
- af_asf.dll ANX ASF Audio File Plug-In
- agentctl.dll Microsoft Agent Control
- agentdpv.dll Microsoft Agent Data Provider
- agenthks.dll Microsoft Agent Hooks
- agentsr.dll Microsoft Agent Speech Recognition Support DLL
- agldt28l.dll ICU Data DLL
- agm.dll Adobe Graphics Manager
- agm3.dll Adobe Graphics Manager
- agnssync.dll AGNSSYNC DLL
- agpfunc.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA InstFunc Dynamic Link Library
- agt0401.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0404.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0405.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0406.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0407.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0408.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0409.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt040b.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt040c.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt040d.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt040e.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0410.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0411.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0412.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0413.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0414.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0415.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0416.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt041d.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt041f.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0804.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0816.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agt0c0a.dll Microsoft Agent International Dll
- agvseries.dll Audio card dll
- ahqkbres.dll Creative Keyboard Resources
- ahqman.dll AudioHQ Manager
- ahqres.dll Creative AudioHQ Resource file
- ahqtures.dll Creative AudioHQ
- ahqures.dll Creative AudioHQ Resource file
- aif.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- aiff.dll Audio plugin
- aifflib.dll Shared library
- aifplug.dll Sony AIFF Format
- aiicon.dll Icons for Adobe Illustrator
- aimapi.dll AIM API DLL
- aiodlite.dll Acrobat Install On Demand
- aires.dll Adobe Illustrator 11.0 Resource
- aitool.dll
- akrip32.dll
- al2np.dll NetPumper detector
- album.dll Album
- albumbase.dll AlbumBase
- alcoholx.dll Alcohol virtual device control library
- alcxnt.dll User Mode Audio Driver
- alice.dll
- alie.dll Anti-Leech plugin for Internet Explorer
- alink.dll Assembly Linker
- alinkui.dll Assembly Linker Error/Warning Messages
- alld40.dll
- alleg40.dll
- almuirsc.dll almuirsc
- alphablend.dll Cool Graphic Routines
- alpsres.dll ALPS Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
- alrsvc.dll Alerter Service DLL
- alut.dll OpenAL(TM) Utility Library
- am18.dll Microsoft AudioMan
- am90en.dll Corel Application Manager DLL
- amainip.dll DVDLogic
- amcdocbase.dll
- amcdom.dll
- amcuibase.dll
- amh.dll amh Module
- ampx.dll WinAmpX Module
- amrcore.dll Nokia AMR Codec
- amsdspvt.dll AMSDSPVT
- AMSLIB.dll AMS2 - Library
- amspcore.dll AMSPluginCore
- amstream.dll
- amtlib.dll AMT Licensing
- amx_admin.dll Small Abstract Machine for Admin Mod
- Analogic Delay.dll VST Plugin
- analog_vu.dll vu
- anav.dll anav DLL
- anavres.dll anavRes Resource DLL
- angelina.dll angelina
- anigif2.dll Ulead GIF-X.Plugin
- anim.dll Mindscape(c) 1995 Animation Library
- anim8.dll Mindscape(c) 1995 Animation Library
- animated.dll Microsoft Clip Organizer Asset Version Proxy
- annoframe.dll AnnoFrame
- anubisutils.dll AnubisUtils Module
- anv4disp.dll NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 52.16
- anvctrl.dll ASUS nVidia Series Control Panel
- anvioctl.dll ASUS nVidia Series IOCTL DLL
- anvmini.dll ASUS nVidia Series NT Kernel Library
- AnyDialog.dll User Interface for AnyDVD
- aoccache.dll Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Edition component
- aoehlp.dll Age of Empires Help DLL
- apc60.dll Application Programmability Components
- apc60itl.dll Application Programmability Components International Resources
- apc62.dll Application Programmability Components
- apc63.dll Application Programmability Components
- apcups.dll APC Smart Provider
- apedbset.dll Setup wizard for Data Access Explorer sample application
- apengine.dll Aplix CD/DVD Writing Engine
- aph.dll APH Module
- apidll.dll Windows NT ApiMon Hook DLL
- appbarcom.dll AppBarCom Module
- appconf.dll IIS AppConfig Module
- appdata.dll AppData
- apperr.dll Autodesk Hardcopy Error-Handler DLL
- apperrres.dll Autodesk Hardcopy Error-Handler Resource DLL
- apphelp.dll Application Compatibility Client Library
- apphelper.dll Custom Actions for Commerce Server 2000 Setup
- appicons.dll SpeedCommander
- apploadres.dll ApploadRes Resource DLL
- appmgmts.dll Servicio de instalaciуn de software
- appmgr.dll Extensiуn del complemento de instalaciуn de software
- appregagent.dll AppRegAgent Module
- appupdate.dll AppUpdate Control (http://www.appupdate.com)
- appwiz.dll
- appwzchs.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Chinese P.R.C Templates
- appwzcht.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Templates
- appwzenu.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard U.S. English Templates
- appwzjpn.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Japanese Templates
- appwzkor.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ AppWizard Korean Templates
- apreg.dll Ahead AutoStart Module
- aptutil.dll APTUTIL.DLL - Aptiva utilities DLL
- apwcmd.dll Norton AntiVirus APW Command DLL
- apwcmd9x.dll NAV Agent Command Library.
- apwheel.dll Apoint Wheel Support Library
- arcctl.dll Arcade Controls
- are.dll Adobe Raster Express
- ares.dll Ares Module
- arm.dll ARM
- armaccess.dll
- arun.dll AVG 7.0 CD AutoRun
- as2000.dll Public Release Version
- asapi.dll ASAPI Driver Library
- asengbay.dll BayEngine
- asferror.dll ASF Error Definitions
- asfileopen.dll AsFileOpen DLL
- asfilter.dll AntiSpam Email Filter
- asfsipc.dll ASFSipc Object
- asfwriter.dll ASF File Writer
- asiodxfd.dll Steinberg ASIO Direct Sound Wrapper
- asiomm32.dll Steinberg ASIO Mulimedia Driver
- asiomme.dll Steinberg ASIO Mulimedia Driver
- aslfoundation.dll
- asloader.dll AntiSpam Loader
- aslunittesting.dll
- asmahl80a.dll ASM Autodesk Hidden Line
- asmbase80a.dll ASM Baseutil
- asmblnd80a.dll ASM Blend
- asmbool80a.dll ASM Boolean
- asmcovr80a.dll ASM Cover
- asmcstr80a.dll constructor
- asmct80a.dll ASM Cellular Topology
- asmeulr80a.dll ASM Euler
- asmfct80a.dll ASM Faceter
- asmga80a.dll ASM Generalized Attributes
- asmintr80a.dll ASM Intersections
- asmkern80a.dll ASM Kernel
- asmlaw80a.dll ASM LAW
- asmlop80a.dll ASM Local Operations
- asmm80enures.dll messages
- asmofst80a.dll ASM Offset
- asmrbi80a.dll ASM Repair Body Intersections
- asmrem80a.dll ASM REM
- asmshl80a.dll ASM Shelling
- asmskin80a.dll ASM Skin
- asmswp80a.dll ASM Sweep
- asn.er.dll ASN Dynamic Library
- asneu.dll AsnEndUser Dynamic Link Library
- asoehook.dll AntiSpam OE Hook
- asp51.dll Active Server Pages
- aspexec.dll AspExec
- aspicd.dll ASPICD Interface for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3
- asplib.dll Microsoft Commerce 2000 UPM asplib DLL
- aspnetoc.dll Universal Runtime OCM Setup
- aspnet_isapi.dll aspnet_isapi.lib
- aspperf.dll Active Server Pages Performance Monitor DLL
- asprotect.dll ASPack compressor
- aspsmartmail.dll
- aspsmartupload.dll
- asptxn.dll Active Server Pages Transaction Object
- aspupload.dll AspUpload 2.01
- asr3232.dll
- asrapicl.dll
- assistctrl16.dll AssistCtrl Module
- asst_ui.dll Motive Support Client UI Library
- asusasv2.dll
- asusasvd.dll
- asw.dll Yahoo! Audio Setup Wizard
- aswres.dll Yahoo! Audio Setup Wizard Resources - English
- asycfilt.dll
- asycpict.dll Microsoft® Picture DLL
- asys.dll asys MFC Application
- at.dll AudioTrack
- athprxy.dll Microsoft Search Authentication Proxy
- ati2cqag.dll Central Memory Manager / Queue Server Module
- ati2draa.dll ATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
- ati2dvaa.dll ATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
- ati2dvag.dll ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
- ati2edxx.dll atieduxx
- ati2evxx.dll
- ati3d1ag.dll ati3d1ag.dll
- ati3d2ag.dll ati3d2ag.dll
- ati3dcif.dll ATI 3D CIF driver
- ati3duag.dll ati3duag.dll
- aticim.dll ATI Component Installation Manager
- aticwdde.dll ATI Common Windows Display Driver Extensions
- atiddc.dll atiddc
- atidev.dll ATI Advanced Display Shell Extension
- atidiag.dll Diagnostics Page
- atidrab.dll ATI2DRAB Display Driver
- atidrae.dll ATIRAGE Display Driver
- atidvag.dll ATI RADEON WindowsNT Display Driver
- atidvai.dll M3 WindowsNT Display Driver
- atidvcr.dll ATI Digital VCR
- atihal64.dll ATI Hardware Abstraction Layer.
- atiht.dll Problem Report HAL Access Module
- atiicdxx.dll CDS Dynamic Link Library
- atiicpxx.dll CoInstaller DLL
- atiiiexx.dll .INF file installer
- atim64.dll DIB Engine ATI Accelerator driver.
- atimpenc.dll ATI MPEG Encoder
- atioglxx.dll ATI OpenGL driver
- atipdlxx.dll ATI Desktop CWDDEDI DLL
- atipdsxx.dll ATI Desktop Control Panel
- atipdxxx.dll ATI Desktop Control Panel
- atippaxx.dll ATI Desktop Control Panel
- atipuixx.dll ATI Desktop Control Panel
- atir3d16.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
- atir3hal.dll ATI HAL DLL
- atiraged.dll ATIRAGE Display Driver
- atisserv.dll ATI Shared Services
- atitvo32.dll ATI RageTheater/ImpacTV2 COM interface
- atitvout.dll
- ativcoxx.dll 32-bit ATI VCO Driver
- ativcr2.dll ATI VCR2 Planar Format Codec
- ativtmxx.dll ATI Pixel Shader Provider
- ativvaxx.dll Radeon Video Acceleration Universal Driver
- atiyuv12.dll
- ati_d3d.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw 3D HAL.
- ati_dd16.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
- ati_dd32.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL.
- ati_hal.dll ATI HAL DLL
- ati_vpe.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw VPE HAL.
- atkctrs.dll Windows NT AppleTalk Perfmon Counter dll
- atl.dll ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
- atl70.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
- atl71.dll ATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
- atl9x.dll ATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
- atla.dll ATL Module for Windows (ANSI)
- atllightplugin.dll ATLLight - 3D Light Shapes Container
- atlnt.dll ATL Module for Windows NT (Unicode)
- atlobj.dll Microsoft (R) Visual C++ ATL Object Wizard
- atlplugin.dll ATLPlugin - 3D Shapes Container
- atlst16.dll atlst16.dll
- atmfd.dll Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver
- atmgr.dll AuthorManager Module
- atmlib.dll Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library.
- atmosphere.dll Adobe Atmosphere Player
- atmui.dll Eigenschappen voor Windows ATM
- atp.dll Microsoft Office Web Components Advanced ToolPack
- atrace.dll Async Trace DLL
- atrc.dll Sony ATRAC3 Audio Codec for RealAudio 8(tm)
- atrc3260.dll Sony ATRAC3 Audio Codec for RealAudio 8(tm)
- atteditres.dll AttEditRes Resource DLL
- atutil32.dll Utilities for AppleTalk devices
- atv01nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv01w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv02nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv02w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv04nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv04w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv06nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv06w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv10nt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- atv10w9x.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- au.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- au30dal.dll Vortex Graphic Equalizer DLL
- audio3d.dll Audio3D
- audiocardlib.dll Shared library
- audiocodec.dll
- audioconverterleui.dll Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE UI DLL
- audioconverterui.dll Plus! MP3 Audio Converter UI DLL
- audiodll.dll audiodll DLL
- audioexctl.dll AudioExCtl Module
- audiolimiter.dll Helix Producer Audio Limiter Plugin
- audiopluginmgr.dll Audio plugin manager
- audioresampler.dll Audio resampler
- audiosrv.dll Windows Audio Service
- audiotrack.dll AudioTrack
- audiovis.dll AudioVis Module
- audit.dll Adobe® Audition™ Process Auditor
- audition.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- audlii.dll Audio LII - RAL Codec for Audio LII
- audwin32.dll NetWare® Audit Library
- aunzip32.dll addUNZIP 32-bit De-compression Library
- authfilt.dll Sample Filter DLL
- authplay.dll
- authz.dll Authorization Framework
- authzax.dll Microsoft Office Authorization Control
- autocorrectdll.dll AutoCorrect ActiveX Control Module
- autodisc.dll Windows AutoDiscovery API
- autoenh.dll
- autoitx.dll AutoItX Module
- automation.dll Automation Module
- autopan.dll VST Plug-In
- autoplt.dll Auto Pilot - Index Tunning DLL
- autoreg.dll AutoReg Module
- autorungui.dll AutoRunGUI6 DLL
- autoupdps.dll AutoUpd Proxy
- autprx32.dll Microsoft Remote Automation Proxy for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
- au_util.dll MSN Updater Utility
- avcmhk4.dll Kaspersky Anti-Virus service library
- avcorem2w10.dll AvCore10
- avdlog.dll
- avertv2k.dll AVerTV2K
- avewin32.dll AntiVir fьr Windows
- avgabout.dll AVG About Box Library
- avgcckrn.dll AVG Kernel Plugin Module
- avgcfg.dll AVG Configuration Module
- avgcore.dll AVG Scanning Engine
- avgctrl.dll AVG Control Library
- avgetver.dll AVGetVer
- avginet.dll AVG Inet Library
- avgklib.dll AVG Kernel Utility Functions
- avglng.dll AVG Language Support
- avglog.dll AVG Logging Module
- avgoff2k.dll Office 2000+ anti-virus extension
- avgscan.dll AVG Scanning Module
- avgse.dll AVG Shell Extension
- avgset.dll
- avgtest.dll AVG Test User Interface
- avgtmgr.dll AVG Test Manager User Interface
- avgtres.dll AVG Test Results User Interface
- avgunarc.dll AVG Kernel Archive Support
- avgupd.dll AVG Update module
- avgxch32.dll AVG pro Microsoft Outlook/Exchange
- avidavicodec.dll Avid AVI Codec Version 2.0d2 for Windows NT
- avidll.dll avidll for adobe premiere avi plugin
- aviplug.dll Sony Video For Windows 2 File Format
- avireader.dll Uncompressed AVI reader
- aviwavim.dll File Provider System - implementation for AVI, WAV & Images
- avl.dll a small dll made for Mirc to use winamp
- avmcapi.dll
- avmfaxsp.dll
- avntdll.dll AVNTDLL DLL
- avpack32.dll AntiVir archive decompression library
- avpscrch.dll Kaspersky Anti-Virus Script Checker Main Module
- avp_io32.dll AVP low lewel I/O driver (Win 95/98)
- avp_iont.dll Low level I/O driver (Win NT/2000)
- avtapi.dll TAPI 3.0 Dialer and IP Multicast Conference Viewer
- avwav.dll Wave Manipulation Component
- avwin.dll AuraVision-Orchid support library
- avx.dll Avid Visual Extensions
- aw.dll
- awapi4.dll AnswerWorks 4 API
- awbmsc32.dll Bitmap Scaler
- awbtrv32.dll Bit Reversal Renderer
- awclass1.dll Fax Class1 Modem Driver
- awcodc32.dll Fax Codec
- awdenc32.dll AWD Utility
- aweman.dll AWE32 Manager
- aweman32.dll AWE32 Manager
- awfext32.dll Extensie-DLL van Microsoft At Work Fax Exchange
- awgina.dll pcAnywhere Authentication Interface
- awiml32.dll IML
- awkrnl32.dll Kernel Extensions
- awresx32.dll Resource Executor
- awrtl30.dll AnswerWorks Runtime Library
- awscommonsymbols.dll AWSCommonSymbols
- awscommonui.dll AWSCommonUI
- awsscl.dll Adobe SCL
- awtport.dll AnswerWorks TPort Search glue
- awvid5.dll pcAnywhere Display Driver for Windows 2000
- awview32.dll Viewer Support
- axauto15.dll axauto15 Module
- axbridge.dll ActiveX bridge for JavaBeans
- axcntrls.dll axcontrols DLL
- axdb15.dll
- axdb16.dll
- axdocwiz.dll
- axe16sharedexpat.dll AXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-16 native)
- axe8sharedexpat.dll AXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-8 native)
- axedomcore.dll Adobe XML Engine: DOM Core
- axeparser.dll Adobe XML Engine Parser
- axinterop.shdocvw.dll
- axinterop.wmplib.dll
- axiodd.dll VST Plugin
- axscphst.dll AxScriptHost70 - Active Scripting Host for SQL
- axshlex.dll AXShlEx.dll
- axsle.dll Adobe XSLT Engine
- ax_hu.dll Alcohol multi-language resource file
- ax_pl.dll Alcohol multi-language resource file
- ax_pt.dll Alcohol multi-language resource file
- ax_ru.dll
- ax_tr.dll Alcohol multi-language resource file
- ax_ua.dll ??????????? ?????? ??? ???????? Alcohol 120%
- azip32.dll addZIP 32-bit Compression Library
- azroles.dll azroles Module
- azroleui.dll Authorization Manager
- aaclient.dll Anywhere access client
- Aavm4h.dll avast! Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM)
- AbbyyZlib.dll ABBYY Zlib component
- abook.dll ABook Library
- AcAdProc.dll Windows Compatibility DLL
- AcBrandRes.dll AutoCAD component
- accessibilitycpl.dll Ease of access control panel
- ACCTRES.dll Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources
- acdb18.dll AutoCAD component
- acdb19.dll AutoCAD component
- ACDCLClient33U.dll ACDCLClient
- api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- acrosup64.dll Acrobat 64 bit Installer Support
- AcSetup.dll AutoCAD component
- AcSetupRes.dll AutoCAD component
- ActionCenter.dll Action Center
- ActionCenterCPL.dll Action Center Control Panel
- ActionQueue.dll Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor
- Activation.dll EA DRM Helper
- activation.x86.dll Solidshield Activation Library
- acui18res.dll AutoCAD component
- adbeape.dll Adobe APE(32 bit)
- AdbWinApi.dll Android ADB API
- AdbWinUsbApi.dll Android ADB API (WinUsb)
- AdDLM.dll Autodesk Download Manager
- addon2VB.dll Addon2VB
- AdDownload.dll Autodesk Download Manager
- adlmPIT.dll Autodesk component
- ADMIN_CLASS_LIB.dll eDataSecuirty Aministration Class library
- admparse.dll IEAK Global Policy Template Parser
- AdmTmpl.dll Administrative Templates Extension
- adobe_caps.dll Adobe CAPS DLL
- AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl(32 bit)
- AdobeOwlCanvas.dll Adobe Owl Canvas
- adui18res.dll AutoCAD component
- advapi32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API
- advctrl.dll
- advpack.dll ADVPACK
- AegisDll.dll
- aegisE5.dll IEEE 802.1X Protocol
- AERTACap.dll Capture Noise Filters (32-bit)
- AERTARen.dll Render Noise Filters (32-bit)
- af_proxy.dll
- agmcrdrv.dll Hewlett-Packard Co. WIA driver
- ahclient.dll Adobe Help Client Library
- aif_core.dll Adobe Image Foundation
- aif_ogl.dll Adobe Image Foundation
- airpcap.dll AirPcap library
- Al21mfc.dll
- Align.dll Align block for Far Manager
- All.dll PlugProject DLL
- alld42.dll
- alleg42.dll Allegro
- AlphaImageCreator.dll vbAccelerator Alpha Image Creator Helper DLL
- ALRes409.dll Microsoft AppLocale
- AltTab.dll Windows Shell Alt Tab
- ambxrt.dll amBX Redistributable Runtime
- amd_ags.dll
- amdpcom64.dll Radeon PCOM Universal Driver
- apdadrv.dll
- ASL.dll Apple System Logging
- advapi32res.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API
- api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- atl100.dll ATL Module for Windows
- AnsMPI.dll
- APEX_TurbulenceFS_x86.dll APEX Dynamic Link Library
- APEX_release.dll APEX Framework Dynamic Link Library
- ArcCon.dll ArcSoft Connect
- apexframework_x64.dll APEX Dynamic Link Library
- acmigration.dll Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host
- acppage.dll Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library
- acproxy.dll Autochk Proxy DLL
- adprovider.dll
- adtschema.dll
- aecache.dll
- aeevts.dll
- aeinv.dll
- aelupsvc.dll
- aepic.dll
- amxread.dll
- apds.dll
- apilogen.dll
- apircl.dll
- apisetschema.dll
- AxMetaStream.dll
- AcroPS16.dll
- AcroPS32.dll
- avicap32.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll