DLL-files starting with e
- eafsh.dll reads and writes EA Sports FSH file format
- easids.dll EASI Direct Sound
- easimme.dll EASIMMEWrapper
- eax.dll EAX Unified
- eaxman.dll EAXMan
- ebrowser.dll IE Embedding Dll
- ebueula.dll EulaDll
- ebueulax.dll EulaDll
- ecen.dll EasyClip
- ecfci.dll EclipseUI - EclipseCabinet
- ecfdi.dll EclipseUI - EclipseCabinet
- echo.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- echomania.dll VST Plugin
- ecp2eres.dll ESCP2E driver
- ecsnwext.dll ecsnwext
- ecw.dll ECW PlugIn for IrfanView
- edb500.dll Microsoft Exchange Database Storage Engine
- edec.dll ESCAPE Effects codec for 124
- editor.dll
- edotmwdll.dll edotmwdll DLL
- eecxx.dll Expression Evaluator (ANSI C++) for Debugger
- eefonts.dll
- eeintl.dll Microsoft Equation Editor Int'l DLL
- eesql.dll Expression Evaluator for SQL Debugger
- eeswt.dll Expression Evaluator Switcher
- effects.dll Effects PlugIn for IrfanView
- efi.dll Function Library
- efiutils.dll Function Library
- efsadu.dll Utilidad de cifrado de archivos
- eio.dll I2C
- ej3danimator.dll 3DAnimator
- ekfpixaudio.dll NIF KIES AUDIO Library
- ekfpixexif.dll NIF KIES EXIF Library
- ekfpixguid.dll NIF KIES GUID Library
- ekfpixio130.dll NIF KIES I/O Layer API
- ekfpixjpeg.dll NIF KIES JPEG Library
- ekfpixpsets.dll NIF KIES PSETS Library
- el2k_cpp.dll EL2k_CPP
- elbycdio.dll ElbyCDIO DLL
- elbyecc.dll ElbyECC DLL
- elementmanager.dll Element Manager DLL
- elements.dll Visio database modeling element system.
- elemutil.dll Visio database modeling element system utilities.
- els.dll Event Viewer Snapin
- em.dll Execution Model for Debugger
- em2v.dll em2v
- email.dll Email PlugIn for IrfanView
- embd3260.dll NPReal32, LiveConnect-Enabled Plugin
- emboss.dll Emboss Effect
- emfgen.dll EmfGen Module
- emgusbcp.dll emagic Bulk Midi for USB
- emitter.dll
- emsmdb32.dll Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store Service Provider
- emu.dll AdobeLM
- emuengine.dll EmuEngine DLL
- en-us.dll English (U.S.) Locale
- enablerdll.dll EnablerDLL
- encapi.dll Encoder API
- encdec.dll
- encodedivxext.dll EncodeDivXExt Module
- encsession.dll Encoding engine
- encsplsh.dll
- encvag.dll encvag.dll
- enforce.dll ENFORCE DLL
- enforcerms.dll ENFORCERMS DLL
- engine.dll FineReader Engine
- engine2.dll Resource DLL
- english.dll Language specific file
- enhsig.dll Signature for rsaenh.dll
- enigma.dll Enigma
- entutil.dll entutil
- envdte.dll envDTE.dll
- environment.dll Environment DLL
- ep24res.dll Epson 24-pin printer driver
- ep2bres.dll EP2BRES Printer Driver
- ep9bres.dll EP9BRES Printer Driver
- ep9res.dll Epson 9 pin driver
- epic_eula.dll Adobe EULA DLL
- epic_pers.dll Adobe PERS DLL
- epic_regs.dll Adobe REGS DLL
- epndrv01.dll EPNDRV01
- epngui30.dll EPNGUI30
- epnhte2j.dll EPNHTE2J
- epnhte2k.dll EPNHTE2K
- epnhte3n.dll EPNHTE3N
- epnhte3o.dll EPNHTE3O
- epnhte3p.dll EPNHTE3P
- epnhte3q.dll EPNHTE3Q
- epnhte3t.dll EPNHTE3T
- epnhte3v.dll EPNHTE3V
- epnhte4a.dll EPNHTE4A
- epnhte4c.dll EPNHTE4C
- epnhte4g.dll EPNHTE4G
- epnhte4i.dll EPNHTE4I
- epnhte4n.dll EPNHTE4N
- epnhte4p.dll EPNHTE4P
- epnhte4s.dll EPNHTE4S
- epnhte5a.dll EPNHTE5A
- epnhte5d.dll EPNHTE5D
- epnhtx01.dll EPNHTX01
- epnhtx02.dll EPNHTX02
- epnhtx04.dll EPNHTX04
- epnhtx12.dll EPNHTX12
- epnhtx13.dll EPNHTX13
- epnhtx14.dll EPNHTX14
- epnhtx15.dll EPNHTX15
- epnhtx16.dll EPNHTX16
- epnutx22.dll EPNUTX22
- epoc_object.dll EPOC_object Module
- epscontrol.dll EPSControl Module
- epson9.dll Epson 9 pin driver
- epsxecutorstuff.dll ePSXeCutorStuff
- epsxecutortool.dll ePSXeCutorTool Dynamic Link Library
- eqnupgrd.dll Equinox SST Driver NT Upgrade DLL
- equalize.dll Nero Library
- ercore.dll Elastic Reality Core DLL
- ereg.dll Register Today Dynamic Link Library
- eregui32.dll ERegUI32
- ersvc.dll Windows Error Reporting Service
- erv3.dll RealVideo 8
- erv43260.dll RealVideo 9
- es.dll COM+ EventSystem Library
- es262-32.dll Opera Ecmascript Engine
- esconf.dll Microsoft Exchange Event Service Config Object
- escp2ms.dll Epson Stylus(TM) Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
- escp2res.dll Epson Stylus(TM) Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
- esellerateengine.dll eSellerateEngine DLL
- esent.dll Server Database Storage Engine
- esent97.dll Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server Database Storage Engine
- esentprf.dll Server Database Storage Performance Library
- esirsock_object.dll ESIrSock_object Module
- esscli.dll WMI
- esshared.dll COM+ EventSystem Shared Utilities
- esuimgd.dll EPSON WIA USD
- es_es_t.dll eMule Language DLL
- etoolbox.dll EToolBox Dynamic Link Library
- etserializedll.dll ETSerial
- etvmp4video.dll Envivio MPEG-4 Optimized Video Decoder
- eula.dll EULA Module
- eulachk.dll Microsoft EULAChk Module
- eulachkui.dll Microsoft EULAChk Module
- eularegn.dll Microsoft® Works Registration
- eventcls.dll Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class
- eventlog.dll Event Logging Service
- eventlogmessages.dll EventLogMessages.dll
- eventmgr.dll EventMgr
- eview3d.dll 3D file viewer for windows
- evntagnt.dll Event Translator SNMP subagent
- evolusbn.dll Evolution USB MIDI Keyboard Windows Driver
- ExcelExport110.dll PerfectFit Excel Converter
- ExcelImport110.dll PerfectFit Excel Converter
- exchange.dll File Exchange
- exch_adsiisex.dll ADSI Extension
- exch_aqadmin.dll Advanced Queue Admin DLL
- exch_aqueue.dll Aqueue DLL
- exch_fcachdll.dll FCACHDLL
- exch_mailmsg.dll Mail Message Objects DLL
- exch_ntfsdrv.dll NTFS Message Store DLL
- exch_rwnh.dll RWNH
- exch_seo.dll Server Extension Objects DLL
- exch_seos.dll Server Extension Objects Proxy/Stub DLL
- exch_smtpadm.dll SMTP OLE Admin Interface DLL
- exch_smtpapi.dll SMTP Service Client API Stubs
- exch_smtpctrs.dll SMTP Server Perfmon DLL
- exch_smtpsnap.dll SMTP MMC SnapIn DLL
- exch_smtpsvc.dll SMTP Service
- exch_snprfdll.dll Transport Perfmon Counter DLL
- exclexpt.dll Export filter dll supporting Microsoft Excel
- exlate32.dll HTML translator DLL for Crystal Reports
- expdmo.dll InterVideo EXP DMO Module
- expert.dll ZoneAlarm Expert Module
- explorerlib.dll
- export.dll Export DLL
- exportmodeller.dll ExportModeller Module
- exportsupport.dll Export Support DLL
- expr.dll Expression support
- expressui.dll
- expsrv.dll Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
- exsec32.dll digsig32
- exstrace.dll Async Trace DLL
- ext.dll Microsoft Plus! Partner Extension
- extendscript.dll ExtendScript scripting engine
- extendscriptide.dll ExtendScript debugger
- extensibility.dll Extensibility.dll
- extensions.dll Extensions DLL
- externalizer.dll Externalizer
- extmgr.dll Extensions Manager
- extract.dll Visio database modeling database reverse engineering.
- ezbwords.dll EZBWORDS DLL
- eztext.dll eztext
- e2mfc.dll
- EAInstall.dll
- eapolqec.dll Microsoft EAPOL NAP Enforcement Client
- eappcfg.dll Eap Peer Config
- EasyHook32.dll EasyHook32
- eboot.dll BootROM and FlashTool Communication DLL.
- EComWr.dll EComWr
- EGGCEngine.dll EGGCEngine Dynamic Link Library
- EGNSEngine.dll EGNSEngine Dynamic Link Library
- EhStorAPI.dll Windows Enhanced Storage API
- ehuihlp.dll Media Center Module
- elementskill.dll
- EMSABP32.DLL Outlook Address Book Provider
- en.dll
- Endec.dll Endec DLL
- EndPointCtrl.dll EndPoint Dynamic Link Library
- enforce3_ltcg.dll Enforce engine
- Engine.BuildInfo_Win32_Retail_dll.dll
- engine_x64_rwdi.dll ChromeEngine6
- engine_x86.dll ChromeEngine4
- engine_x86_rwdi.dll ChromeEngine6
- EngineApp.dll EngineApp
- EngineEx.dll
- EnumDevLib.dll EnumDevLib DLL
- EP0LVR1W.DLL EPSON Printer Driver
- EP0LVRAB.DLL EPSON Printer Driver
- ErrorReport.dll Sony Creative Software Error Reporting Component
- eSf3fw.dll TOSHIBA Pipeline SDK
- EventLogHelper.dll Event Log Helper for Vista
- evll.dll
- evr.dll Enhanced Video Renderer DLL
- ExecutionGuard.dll Execution Guard
- ExplorerFrame.dll ExplorerFrame
- ext-ms-win-advapi32-msi-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-advapi32-psm-app-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-advapi32-registry-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-com-clbcatq-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-com-ole32-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-com-psmregister-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-domainjoin-netjoin-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gdi-dc-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gdi-dc-l1-2-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gdi-draw-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gdi-draw-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gdi-metafile-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-gpapi-grouppolicy-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-appcompat-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-datetime-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-file-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-current-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-quirks-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-registry-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernel32-sidebyside-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-kernelbase-processthread-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-MrmCoreR-ResManager-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-message-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-misc-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-private-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-private-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-rectangle-ext-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-string-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-synch-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-windowclass-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-windowclass-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-window-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-window-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-windowstation-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ntuser-windowstation-l1-1-1.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-ole32-oleautomation-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-rtcore-gdi-object-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-dpi-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-rtcore-ntuser-sysparams-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-security-credui-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-session-usertoken-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-session-winsta-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-session-wtsapi32-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-setupapi-inf-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-shell32-shellcom-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-shell-propsys-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-shell-shell32-l1-2-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-shell-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-sxs-oleautomation-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-usp10-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-winrt-storage-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ext-ms-win-wlan-onexui-l1-1-0.dll ApiSet Stub DLL
- ezShell7.dll Shell routines (Magic Desktop)
- engineinterop.dll
- ESENU.DLL COM+ EventSystem English Messages
- ehui.dll
- ehtrace.dll
- ehSSO.dll
- ehssetup.dll
- ehskb.dll
- ehSidebarRes.dll
- ehshell.dll
- ehReplay.dll
- ehRecObj.dll
- ehProxy.dll
- ehPresenter.dll
- ehkorime.dll
- ehjpnime.dll
- ehiWUapi.dll
- ehiwmp.dll
- ehiVidCtl.dll
- ehiUserXp.dll
- ehiUPnP.dll
- ehiTVMSMusic.dll
- ehitvhost.dll
- ehiProxy.dll
- ehiiTV.dll
- ehiExtens.dll
- ehiBmlDataCarousel.dll
- ehiActivScp.dll
- ehglid.dll
- ehepgres.dll
- ehepgnet.dll
- ehentt.dll
- ehdrop.dll
- ehdebug.dll
- ehcmres.dll
- ehCIR.dll
- ehchtime.dll
- ehchsime.dll
- ehchhime.dll
- ereg3201.dll
- ekc6420.dll