DLL-files starting with s
- s1.dll S1
- s11thk32.dll SynthCore R2.0 Midi Interface Driver
- s2sqlprs.dll Crystal SQL Parser Component
- s32evnt1.dll Symantec Event Library
- s32krnll.dll Symantec Kernel API Library
- s32luhl1.dll LiveUpdate
- s3disply.dll S3 multi-chip display switch utility
- s3gnb.dll S3 ProSavage & Twister Display Driver
- s3legacy.dll S3 Display Driver
- s3mm.dll DIB Engine based S3 driver.
- s3mt3d.dll S3 Trio3D Display Driver
- s3mtrio.dll S3 Trio Display Driver
- s3mvirge.dll S3 ViRGE Display Driver
- s3nb.dll S3 ProSavage & Twister Display Driver
- s3ovrlay.dll S3Overlay Utility
- s3sav3d.dll S3 Savage3D Display Driver
- s3sav4.dll S3 Savage4 Display Driver
- s3savmx.dll S3 Savage/MX, Savage/IX Display Driver
- s3v.dll DIB Engine based S3 driver.
- sa.dll SA Module
- saclient.dll The Microsoft Network shared libarary
- sacommoncontrols.dll Crystal Analysis Common Controls
- safecast2.dll SafeCast2
- safireu.dll SaFireU
- sage.dll Task Scheduler Sage DLL
- sal.dll DVDMaestro Sal
- salrtl.dll User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
- sam.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- samlib.dll SAM Library DLL
- sampletank.dll SampleTank
- samsrv.dll SAM Server DLL
- sangam.dll Sangam Core Code
- sapi.dll SAPI 5
- saveasweb.dll Visio Save As Web DLL
- savrt32.dll Symantec Realtime DLL
- sbchs16.dll AudioPCI Driver Resources
- sbchs32.dll AudioPCI Driver Resources
- sbcht16.dll AudioPCI Driver Resources
- sbcht32.dll AudioPCI Driver Resources
- sbcsy16.dll AudioPCI Driver Resources
- sbe.dll
- sblfx.dll SB Live! DS3D & Effects
- sbox7.dll Shoebox Module
- sbvdd.dll Sound card emulator for the NT DOS box
- sb_chest.dll VST Plugin
- sb_flatclap.dll VST Plugin
- sb_mixclap.dll VST Plugin
- sb_pants.dll VST Plugin
- sb_shoes.dll VST Plugin
- sc drums.dll drums Sampler
- sc monopoly.dll Mono One
- sc virtual sampler.dll Virtual Sampler
- sc.dll SC1.0.6
- scanctls.dll ScanCtrl DLL
- scandlgs.dll Norton AntiVirus
- scanintf.dll ScanGear Scanner Interface
- scanobj.dll Scan Module-Scan Object
- scanres.dll U32SCAN DLL
- scanscsi.dll Scsi Bus Scanner
- scanusd.dll USB User Mode Minidriver
- scanusdx.dll Flatbed Scanner Still Image Devices DLL
- scap.dll SCap DLL
- scarddlg.dll SCardDlg - Smart Card Common Dialog
- scardssp.dll Smart Card Base Service Providers
- sccbase.dll Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
- sccch.dll SCC Chunker
- sccda.dll SCC Data Access
- sccex.dll SCC Export
- sccfa.dll SCC Filter Access
- sccfi.dll SCC File Identification
- sccomp100.dll Corel SCRIPT Compiler DLL
- sccomp91.dll Corel SCRIPT Compiler DLL
- sccore.dll Scripting components core runtime
- sccres91.dll Corel SCRIPT Compiler Resources
- sccsccp.dll Infineon SICRYPT® Smart Card Crypto Provider COM Objects
- sccut.dll SCC Utility
- sccvw.dll SCC View Window
- scdmi.dll Dmi Module
- scecli.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine
- scenecomponent.dll Viewpoint Media Player Scene Component
- scesrv.dll Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine
- sch128c.dll TLS / SSL Security Provider (US and Canada Use Only)
- schannel.dll TLS / SSL Security Provider
- schdmapi.dll Address Book
- schedsvc.dll Task Scheduler Engine
- schedule.dll scheduler DLL
- schmmgmt.dll Active Directory Schema Manager MMC Snapin
- schnelltransfer.dll SchnellTransfer DLL
- scilexer.dll Scintilla.DLL - a Source Editing Component
- scint100.dll Corel SCRIPT Interpreter DLL
- scint91.dll Corel SCRIPT Interpreter DLL
- scintilla.dll
- sclgntfy.dll Secondary Logon Service Notification DLL
- scom.dll Scom
- sconfig.dll Microsoft Workgroup Security
- scope.dll SnapIns Module
- scp.dll Code Page Translation Library
- scp32.dll Code Page Translation Library
- scrauth.dll ScriptBlocking Authenticator
- scrblock.dll ScriptBlocking
- scredir.dll Smart Card Redirection for TS
- screencapture.dll ScreenCapture Library
- script.dll v1 Script Module
- scripted.dll ScriptEd DLL
- scriptle.dll Script Language Engine
- scriptle2.dll Script Debug Engine
- scripto.dll Microsoft ScriptO
- scriptpw.dll ScriptPW Module
- scriptui.dll Norton AntiVirus Script Blocking UI
- script_a.dll v1 Script Module
- scrobj.dll Windows (r) Script Component Runtime
- scrprmv.dll FARE for FAU
- scrptxtn.dll Microsoft Exchange Server Scripting
- scrrnes.dll Biblioteca de tiempo de ejecuciуn de recursos internacionales de Microsoft (r) Script
- scrrun.dll Microsoft (r) Script Runtime
- scui.dll McAfee SecurityCenter UI Resource
- sd242.dll MMxpt
- sdhcinst.dll Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer
- sdi.dll SDI Dynamic Link Library
- sdiclnt.dll sdiclnt Module
- sdkhelpmsi.dll SDK Update Helper for MSI
- sdl.dll SDL
- sdl_image.dll SDL_image
- sdl_mixer.dll SDL_mixer
- sdl_ttf.dll SDL_ttf
- sdm2.dll Session Debug Manager
- sdntdrv.dll SDNTDrv
- seclogon.dll Secondary Logon Service DLL
- secmgr.dll Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server
- secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface
- security.dll RealNetworks File Renderer Utility Toolkit
- seengbase.dll SEEngBase DLL
- selfreg.dll Self Registration DLL
- semnt.dll Window NT Specific DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager
- semsfc.dll SFC - Starfighter Foundation Classes v1.0 DLL
- sendcmsg.dll Send Console Message
- sendcom.dll Sony Send Command DLL
- sendsms.dll SendSMS MFC Application
- sendto.dll SendTo9 RPC Proxy/Stub DLL
- sens.dll System Event Notification Service (SENS)
- sensapi.dll SENS Connectivity API DLL
- seo.dll Server Extension Objects DLL
- seqchk10.dll SeqChk10
- servdeps.dll WMI Snapins
- server.dll Global Operations Client
- service.dll PRISM Service Library
- serwvdrv.dll Unimodem Serial Wave driver
- settings_object.dll settings_object Module
- setting_de.dll Panel and Scanner Settings
- setu3270.dll Setup Library
- setup.dll InstallShield (R) Setup Launcher Resources
- setup2.dll SETUP2 DLL
- setup2k.dll Network component installation
- setup32.dll EPSON Printer Driver Installation Assistance Module
- setup4.dll Windows Setup-functies
- setupapi.dll Windows NT Setup API
- setupctrls.dll SetupControls Dll
- setupdb.dll Suite Integration Toolkit Object
- setupdd.dll NetMeeting Display Driver for Windows NT Setup Utility
- setupdll.dll Windows 2000 Setup Dynlink
- setupdrv.dll Driver Setup Library
- setupenu.dll Microsoft Age of Empires II AutoRun/Setup Resources
- setuphk.dll Additinal functions DLL
- setuplng.dll Microsoft® Works -asennusresurssit
- setuplog.dll Suite Integration Toolkit Object
- setupmgr.dll SetupManager DLL
- setupmgx.dll Windows 2000 Setup Manager Wizard DLL
- setupnt.dll setupNT
- setupqry.dll Indexing Service Install
- setupres.dll Setup localized resource module
- setupwbv.dll Internet Explorer Control Panel Progman
- setupx.dll Windows Setup Functions
- sfc.dll Windows File Protection
- sfcdi.dll Sony CD/CDR Interface Library
- sfcdll.dll System File Checker Library
- sfcdx.dll Sony CD UI Library
- sfcfiles.dll Windows 2000 System File Checker
- sfconfigmgr.dll Sony Configuration Manager Component
- sfcwall31.dll Foundation Components
- sfc_os.dll Windows File Protection
- sfdvd.dll Sonic Foundry DVD Library
- sffrgpnv.dll Sound Forge Pan and Volume 1
- sfhammer.dll Sony Wave Hammer
- sfl201as.dll Stingray Foundation Library DLL - Release Ver.
- sfman32.dll SoundFont(R) Master Manager
- sfmarket2.dll Sony Marketing Component
- sfmatmsg.dll Appletalk Messages DLL
- sfmirror.dll Sony Acoustic Mirror
- sfmmon.dll AppleTalk Print Monitor
- sfmpsdib.dll Windows NT Macintosh TrueImage Interpreter
- sfmpsprt.dll Windows NT Macintosh Print Processor
- sfms32.dll SoundFont(R) Manager
- sfmwshat.dll Windows Sockets Helper DLL for AppleTalk
- sfpdll.dll SFP DLL
- sfppack1.dll Sony XFX 1 Plug-In Pack
- sfppack2.dll Sony XFX 2 Plug-In Pack
- sfppack3.dll Sony XFX 3 Plug-In Pack
- sfs4rw.dll Sonic Foundry S4RW Component
- sfscsi.dll Sonic Foundry SCSI Module
- sfspti.dll Sonic Foundry SPTI Module
- sfspti2.dll Sonic Foundry SPTI2 Module
- sfttabac.dll Softel vdm SftTabs/DLL Custom Control (Win32)
- sfttabacres.dll Softel vdm SftTabs/DLL Custom Control (Win32)
- sfttb.dll Softel vdm SftTabs Custom Control
- sfttv32.dll Softel vdm SftTree/DLL Custom Control (WIN32)
- sfupload.dll SfUpload
- sfxbar.dll Dockable bars library
- sfxengine.dll SFXEngine Dynamic Link Library
- sfxpfx1.dll Sony ExpressFX 1
- sfxpfx2.dll Sony ExpressFX 2
- sfxpfx3.dll Sony ExpressFX 3
- sg.dll Visio Shape Gallery
- sgl2.dll SGL Direct
- sh30w32.dll
- share.dll
- sharedat.dll
- sharemfcres.dll shareMFCRes.dll
- sharenui.dll Non-UI Support DLL
- shareui.dll UI Support DLL
- sharpness.dll Sharpness Module
- shcv.dll Symbol Handler for Debugger
- shdoc401.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library - IE 4.01 compat
- shdocvw.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library
- shell.dll Windows Shell library
- shell001.dll 32-bit SafeCast Toolkit
- shell16.dll Resource DLL
- shell2.dll Resource DLL
- shell23.dll Resource DLL
- shell3.dll Resource DLL
- shell32.dll Spolecnб knihovna prostredн Windows
- shell5.dll Resource DLL
- shellex.dll DirectCD Shell Extention DLL
- shellintmgr.dll ShellIntMgr
- shellintmgr30.dll ShellIntMgr
- shellmanager.dll ShellManager.dll
- shellres.dll Resource DLL
- shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll
- shellvrtf.dll ShellvRTF
- shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service
- shfusion.dll Microsoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer
- shfusres.dll Microsoft COM Runtime Fusion Assembly Viewer Resources
- shgina.dll Windows Shell User Logon
- shibatch.dll A sample-rate-convertor and equalizer library
- shimeng.dll Shim Engine DLL
- shimgvw.dll Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
- shlwapi(3).dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library
- shlxthdl.dll
- shmedia.dll Media File Property Extractor Shell Extension
- shmetapdb.dll Meta-PDB Symbol Handler
- shortcut.dll ShortCut DLL
- showmfcdialog.dll ShowMfcDialog DLL
- shplayer.dll Shell integrated media player
- shsql.dll Symbol Handler for SQL Debugger
- shsvcs.dll Windows Shell Services Dll
- shtml.dll Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
- shvl.dll Zone Game DLL - Spades
- shvlres.dll Fichier de donnйes de la zone
- shw32.dll
- sidechainer.dll SideChainer
- sierranw.dll WON DLL
- sierrapt.dll SierraUp DLL
- signal.dll Function Library
- signer.dll Authenticode Signing Interface
- signtime.dll SignTime DLL
- sigtab.dll File Integrity Settings
- siint5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
- simplemail.dll
- simptcp.dll Simple TCP/IP Services Service DLL
- simsynth.dll
- simulink.dll Simulink
- sipr.dll ACELP-NET Voice Codec for RealAudio(tm)
- sipr3260.dll ACELP-NET Voice Codec for RealAudio(tm)
- sip_core.dll sip_core DLL
- sirenacm.dll MSN Messenger Audio Codec
- sis300iv.dll SiS 300/305/630/540/730 Super VGA Driver
- sis6306v.dll SiS 530/620 Framebuffer Display Driver
- sisagp98.dll SiS AGP Driver Install Function
- sisapcom.dll SiSApCom DLL
- sisaudio.dll SiS PCI Audio User Mode Driver
- sisgl.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA OpenGL ICD
- sisgrv.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA Driver
- sisinst.dll SiSInst DLL
- sisparse.dll Script Parser DLL
- sistv.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA TV Output
- sisudisp.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA Display Modes Setting
- sisuinfo.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA Information viewer
- sisumgr.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA Utility Manager
- sisv256.dll SiS Framebuffer Display Driver
- sisvideo.dll SiS Compatible Super VGA Video Setting
- sitsetup.dll Suite Integration Toolkit Object
- sjrinput.dll SJR's Direct Input
- skca32.dll SKCA32 4.2 BETA
- skcl.dll PLUS SKCL Std 4.109b
- skdll.dll Serial Keys
- skin.dll Creative WebCam Monitor Skin
- skin62.dll Skin Husk DLL
- sky2pcui.dll For B2C2, Inc. DVB4PC receiving board
- skydll.dll SkyDll
- slayer.dll Slayer VST plug-in
- slayerui.dll Compatibility Tab Shell Extension DLL
- slayerxp.dll Compatibility Tab Shell Extension DLL
- slbcsp.dll Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library
- slbiop.dll Schlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2
- slbrccsp.dll Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Resource File
- sldasmu.dll sldasmu
- slextspk.dll
- slgen.dll
- slintl.dll Microsoft Office XP component
- sm56co.dll SM56 Modem co-installer
- smackw32.dll
- smartmessenger.dll SmartMessenger
- smartsound.dll SmartSound COM Object
- smb0w.dll MicroTek scanner driver
- smb3w.dll MicroTek scanner driver
- smclient.dll SQL Monitor Client Interface
- smidispb.dll Silicon Motion Display Driver
- smierrsm.dll WMI SNMP MIB Compiler Semantic Error Messages
- smierrsy.dll WMI SNMP MIB Compiler Syntax Error Messages
- smileyadd.dll SmileyAdd plugin for Miranda IM
- smime3.dll NSS S/MIME Library
- smimsgif.dll WMI SNMP MIB Compiler Fatal Error Messages
- smlogcfg.dll Performance Logs and Alerts Snap-in
- smmedia.dll SoundMAX Media
- smmscrpt.dll Automated Script Point-to-Point Protocol Session Management Module
- smmsetup.dll Dial-Up Networking Session Management Module Setup
- smp.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- smplfsys.dll Simple File System plugin for RealMedia
- smpte generator.dll VST Plug-In
- smptegenerator.dll VST Plug-In
- sms.dll Miranda SMS plugin
- smslib.dll Palm OS® Simulation Component
- sms_object.dll sms_object Module
- smtpapi.dll SMTP Service Client API Stubs
- smtpctrs.dll SMTP Server Perfmon DLL
- smtpsnap.dll SMTP MMC SnapIn DLL
- smtpsvc.dll SMTP Service
- smush.dll Smush Animation Library
- sm_cstrike_mm.dll STATSME - Metamod Plugin DLL
- snddsound3ddll_vbr.dll Sound Engine Dll
- snes9xw.dll
- sniffpol.dll PPServer Module
- snjawt11.dll snjawt11 (Release Version)
- snjrt11.dll Symantec Native Java Core Runtime (Release Version)
- snmp.dll SNMP Utility Library
- snmpapi.dll SNMP Utility Library
- snmpcl.dll WMI SNMP Class Library
- snmpincl.dll WMI SNMP Provider
- snmpmib.dll Microsoft SNMP subagent
- snmpsmir.dll WMI SNMP MIB Repository
- snmpsnap.dll SNMP snap-in
- snmpstup.dll WMI SNMP Setup Utility DLL
- snmpthrd.dll WMI SNMP Thread & Log Library
- snti386.dll Sentinel Driver Setup DLL
- snwvalid.dll WON DLL
- SOA.dll MSAPP Export Support for Microsoft Access
- soapsudscode.dll Microsoft SoapSuds Utility
- sockets.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Windows Sockets Component
- softkey.dll Microsoft IME 2002
- softokn3.dll NSS PKCS #11 Library for Clients
- softpub.dll Softpub Forwarder DLL
- solver.dll Function Library
- solver32.dll SOLVER32 DLL
- SonicMPEGAudio.dll SonicMPEGAudio
- sonicmpgaout.dll MPEG Audio Encoder
- sonicmpgcheck.dll MPEG Settings Checker
- sonicmpgmux.dll MPEG Multiplexer
- sonicmpgvout.dll MPEG Video Wrapper
- sonicpcmaout.dll MPEG PCM Audio
- sonypi.dll Sony Programmable I/O Control DLL
- sos.dll Microsoft NTSD extension for .NET Runtime
- sound32.dll Sound32
- soundplayer.dll Sound Player for IrfanView
- soundshifter.dll SoundShifter
- sp5x_32.dll SP5X_32
- space.dll Space Screen Saver
- spaceeffect.dll orbiter
- spacesynthesizer.dll orbiter
- sparks.dll Application
- spcommon.dll Microsoft Speech SR/TTS Common Library
- spcplui.dll SAPI 5
- spcustom.dll Microsoft Update Custom Component Locator
- speak.dll Speak plugin for Miranda ICQ
- speaker.dll Speaker DLL
- speakerdmo.dll DSP Module
- spectralizer.dll Wavelab Spectralizer
- spectrum.dll spectrum
- speech.dll Microsoft Speech
- spellr.dll spellr
- spgrmr.dll SPTIP Grammar DLL
- splash.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Splash Screen Component
- spline62.dll Spline Husk DLL
- splitter.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Splitter Bar Component
- spmsg.dll Service Pack Messages
- spnike.dll MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
- spoolss.dll Spooler SubSystem DLL
- sporder.dll WinSock2 reorder service providers
- sport.dll Sports Screen Saver
- spra0404.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra0405.dll Zprбvy Aktualizace Service Pack 1
- spra0407.dll Service Pack 1-Meldungen
- spra0408.dll ????µata Service Pack 1
- spra040d.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra0412.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra0414.dll Service Pack 1-meldinger
- spra0418.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra041b.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra041e.dll Service Pack 1 Messages
- spra0816.dll Mensagens do Service Pack 1
- sprb0401.dll Service Pack 2 Messages
- sprb0406.dll Service Pack 2-meddelelser
- sprb0407.dll Service Pack 2-Meldungen
- sprb040b.dll Service Pack 2 -viestit
- sprb040d.dll Service Pack 2 Messages
- sprb0413.dll Service Pack 2-berichten
- sprb0414.dll Meldinger for Service Pack 2
- sprb0416.dll Mensagens do Service Pack 2
- sprb041b.dll Hlбsenia balнka Service Pack 2
- sprb041d.dll Service Pack 2-meddelanden
- sprb041f.dll Service Pack 2 Iletileri
- sprb0424.dll Sporocila servisnega paketa SP 2
- sprb0816.dll Mensagens do Service Pack 2
- sprb0c0a.dll Mensajes de Service Pack 2
- sprfile.dll Project File Manager
- sprio600.dll MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
- sprio800.dll MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
- spsreng.dll SAPI 5
- spsrx.dll SAPI 5
- sptip.dll SAPI5.0/CTF layer DLL
- spttseng.dll SAPI 5
- spuandy.dll Andy's SPU Audio Driver
- spueternal.dll
- spueternall.dll
- spukazdsound.dll SPU.DLL
- spunull.dll SEAL DLL
- spunull2mixer.dll spuNull2'sSoftwareMixer DLL
- spunull7.dll spuNull7 DLL
- spupeopsdsound.dll spuPeopsSound
- spupetedsound.dll spuPeteDSound
- spupetemidas.dll spuPeteMIDAS
- spuprodigy.dll spuProdigySoundDriver DLL
- spurecorder.dll DarkMan's spu Recorder plugin
- spuseal.dll SEAL DLL
- spxcoins.dll Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller
- spxlib.dll SendPix Client Library SDK
- spxupgrd.dll Specialix Windows NT Driver Upgrade DLL
- spyhk55.dll Microsoft (R) Spy++ Hook
- spyxxhk.dll Microsoft Spy++ 7.0 (Hook)
- sqdedev.dll SQL Setup Enumeration APIs
- sqdll.dll MSN MoneyCentral Redistributable
- sqlaiw32.dll ESQL-C Compiler Library
- sqlakw32.dll ESQL-C Runtime Library
- sqlb.dll SQL Builder UI & Core
- sqlcluster.dll SQL Setup Cluster DLL
- sqldata.dll SQLData
- sqldb232.dll
- sqldb2v5.dll
- sqldbg.dll Microsoft® SQL Debugging Proxy/Stub
- sqldistx.dll Microsoft SQL Distribution Control 7.0
- sqldmo.dll Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager
- sqleng.dll SQLEng
- sqlgui.dll SQLGUI - SQL Server GUI Support DLL
- sqlinf32.dll
- sqlinf9.dll
- sqlinitx.dll Microsoft SQL Snapshot Control 8.0
- sqlint32.dll
- sqlle.dll Microsoft® SQL Language Engine (for Debugging)
- sqllib80.dll Oracle Pre-Compiler Library
- sqlmap70.dll SQL Mapi Integration Procedures DLL
- sqlmergx.dll Microsoft SQL Merge Control 7.0
- sqlmmc.dll SQLMMC - SQL Snapin for Microsoft Management Console
- sqlmss32.dll
- sqloledb.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
- sqlora32.dll
- sqlora8.dll
- sqlparse.dll SQLParser
- sqlqp20.dll Microsoft SQLQP 2.0
- sqlqry.dll SQLQRY - SQL Server graphical query system
- sqlresld.dll SQL Enterprise Manager Reesource DLL Loader
- sqlse20.dll Microsoft Sqlse 2.0
- sqlsnmp.dll MS SQL SNMP Extension DLL
- sqlsort.dll SQL Sorting DLL
- sqlsrv32.dll Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver
- sqlssc32.dll
- sqlstr.dll String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
- sqlsui.dll SQL Setup UI Components
- sqlsun.dll SQL Setup Uninstaller DLL
- sqlsut.dll SQL Setup Utility DLL
- sqlsvc.dll Service Layer DLL for SQL Enterprise Workbench
- sqlsyb32.dll
- sqlunirl.dll String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
- sqlvdi.dll Virtual Device Interface for BACKUP/RESTORE
- sqlvdir.dll IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server
- sqlwid.dll Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
- sqlwoa.dll Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
- sqlxmlx.dll Microsoft XML extensions for SQL Server
- sqsrvres.dll SQL Server Cluster Resource DLL
- sqx.dll SQX 4.0 Developer Kit
- srchadm.dll Microsoft Search Admin Objects
- srchctls.dll Search Assistant Controls
- srchui.dll Search Assistant UI
- srclient.dll SR CLIENT DLL
- srpump.dll SrPump
- srrstr.dll System Restore Restore Operation Library
- srscaler.dll Linear Video Converter
- srsvc.dll System Restore Service
- srusbusd.dll Still Image Devices DLL (Digital Camera)
- srusd.dll Still Image Devices DLL (Digital Camera)
- srvsvc.dll Server Service DLL
- ss32d25.dll FarPoint Spreadsheet Control
- ssapi.dll Microsoft SourceSafe User Shell
- sscdlg.dll Public C callable Amigo Dialog components
- ssce5132.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
- ssce5232.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
- ssce5332.dll Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine
- sscnis7.dll Norton Security Center Plug-in
- sscrc.dll Amigo MFC Application
- sscsdk80.dll D
- ssdpapi.dll SSDP Client API DLL
- ssdpsrv.dll SSDP Service DLL
- ssgs1.dll Printhru Printer Driver
- ssgs1su.dll SMARTUI DLL
- ssgs1ui.dll PrinThru Printer Driver User Interface
- ssgui.dll Microsoft SourceSafe User Shell
- sshcrypt.dll F-Secure Cryptographic Service Provider
- ssinc51.dll Extensiуn del archivo de inclusiуn del servidor de Microsoft
- ssl3.dll NSS SSL Library
- ssleay32.dll TrueVector Service
- sslite.dll SmartScore Lite 2.0 Windows Application
- sslsvc.dll WS_FTP SSL DLL
- ssmslpcn.dll Client-Side Local Inter-Process Communication (LPC) Net Library
- ssnetlib.dll Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Server
- sspifilt.dll SSPI Filter
- sspng.dll SSPng
- sspnt2kxp.dll Sspnt2kxp DLL
- ssrc.dll HQ Sample-Rate-Convertor
- ssrmax.dll SQL Server Maximum/Latest Conflict Resolver
- ssscc.dll Microsoft SourceSafe SCC Provider
- sstrasl.dll NVIDIA nForce Taskbar Slovenian Resources
- sstree32.dll Creative Controls: Tree/List WIN32 Control
- sstub.dll SStub Module
- ssubtmr6.dll Subclassing and Timer Assistant, modified for configurable message response, multi control support and bug fixed for timer errors.
- ssus.dll Microsoft SourceSafe Resource DLL
- ssus16.dll Microsoft SourceSafe Resource DLL
- ssvb.dll Microsoft SourceSafe VB Add-In
- stadev32.dll
- star9res.dll STAR9E driver
- stardds.dll StarDDS - Starfighter ActiveX control containing DaVinci Drawing Surface
- startoc.dll Starter Edition Optional Component
- stats.dll Adobe Audition Language Module
- status.dll BitDefender Status
- status_object.dll status_object Module
- staxmem.dll Microsoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL
- stclient.dll
- stdole.dll
- stdprov.dll WMI
- stdvcl32.dll Delphi standard VCL type library
- stdvcl40.dll Standard VCL ActiveX Library
- steam.dll Steam Client Engine
- steamold.dll Steam Client Engine
- steam_1110.dll Steam Client Engine
- steam_api.dll Steam Client API
- stepdesigner.dll MIDI Effect Plug-In
- stepfilter.dll VST Plug-In
- stereoecho.dll VST Plug-In
- stereoexpander.dll StereoExpander
- stereoizer.dll VST Plug-In
- stereowizard.dll VST Plug-In
- stlport_vc645.dll STLport
- stlport_vc745.dll STLport
- stlver.dll Licensing control DLL (32-bit version)
- stmain.dll st
- stmp3.dll EXATELECOM i-BEAD100 Multi Player DLL
- stobject.dll Systray shell service object
- stock.dll Stock Module
- storage.dll
- storm.dll Storm Library
- storm2.dll Storm Library
- storprop.dll Property Pages for Storage Devices
- str24res.dll STAR24E driver
- stream.dll Stream DLL
- streamci.dll Streaming Device Class Installer
- streamreader.dll StreamReader
- streamviewer.dll StreamViewer DLL
- string32.dll PoINT Shared DLL
- strings.dll Halo Strings
- strmdll.dll Windows Media Services Streamer Dll
- struntme.dll Learn2 Runner DLL
- stslist.dll Microsoft Office List Datasheet Component
- stsupld.dll Microsoft Office Multiple Upload
- stv673u.dll ST-VIBU STV673 Camera Driver (32-bit DLL)
- stvscale.dll Image Scaler
- styedit.dll Autodesk Hardcopy StyEdit DLL
- styexeres.dll Autodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Editor Resource DLL
- stylophone.dll VST Instrument
- stylusrmx.dll Stylus RMX 1.5.1c
- styshwizres.dll Autodesk Hardcopy Plot Style Table Wizard Resource DLL
- subtsgmscd32.dll subMSCD32 extDLL
- sufr.dll SierraUp French Resource DLL
- super quartet.dll HQ Software Synthesizer Super Quartet
- supersub.dll SuperSub
- supertap.dll SuperTap
- support.dll Support Services For Import/Export Filters
- supportlibs.dll DVDMaestro SupportLibs
- suppressautorun.dll JumpHook DLL
- surrounder.dll VST Plug-In
- surroundpan.dll VST Plug-In
- svcext.dll Services IISAdmin Extension DLL
- svcpack.dll Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup
- svcsrvl.dll MS DTC DTCCFG helper DLL
- svctl32.dll SoftVoice Control DLL
- svgcontrol.dll SVGControl Module 2.0
- svgcore.dll SVG Viewer Core 5.0
- svgexport.dll SVGExport 6.0
- svgre.dll SVGRE 6.0
- svgview.dll SVGView Module 2.0
- svrapi.dll 32-bit common Server API library
- svrnetcn.dll SQL Server Network Utility DLL
- swcusten.dll SWCust DLL
- swdir.dll Shockwave ActiveX Control
- swdrm.dll SwDRM Module
- SWI32.dll Summus Wavelet Image Compressor DLL
- swing32.dll Swing32
- swmenu.dll Shockwave Context Menu Support
- swpdflt2.dll Sidewinder PID PreFilter
- swpidflt.dll Sidewinder PID PreFilter
- swplugin.dll Norton AntiVirus Integrator Plugin
- swprv.dll Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service software provider
- swsupport.dll Shockwave Remote Support
- swt-win32-3128.dll SWT for Windows native library
- sx32w.dll
- sxgmasys.dll SXG manager
- sxgxg.dll YAMAHA SXG Driver
- sxl.dll GARMIN-specific C++ Library
- sxlrt232.dll
- sxlrt233.dll
- sxlrt308.dll Dinkum® C++ Shared Library for VC++, Release Version
- sxs.dll Fusion 2.5
- sy52106.dll System.dll
- symcjit.dll Symantec JIT Version 3.00.072b
- symiconv.dll Common Client Language Conversion Engine
- symneti.dll Symantec Network Driver Interface
- symphone.dll ACT! Dialer Support DLL
- symphonic.dll Symphonic
- symredir.dll Symantec Redirector Interface
- symstore.dll Settings Storage DLL
- sync20.dll Network HotSync® Module
- synccore.dll SYNCCORE.DLL
- syncom.dll SynCOM
- synctrl.dll SynCtrl
- synisdll.dll Install Resource Strings
- synsoacc2.dll
- synsolchk.dll
- synthcore11resources.dll SynthCore11Resources
- synthesis.dll Text Analyzer DLL
- syntpapi.dll SynTPAPI
- syntpcom.dll SynTPCOM Module
- syntpfcs.dll SynTPFcs
- sysclass.dll System Class Class Installer
- sysdvrecorder.dll PD DV communicator
- syslib.dll Architecture system library
- sysmod.dll System Migration Module
- sysmod_a.dll System Migration Module
- sysrecorder.dll SysRecorder DLL
- syssetup.dll Windows NT System Setup
- system.configuration.install.dll System.Configuration.Install.dll
- system.configuration.install.resources.dll
- system.data.dll System.Data.dll
- system.data.oracleclient.dll System.Data.OracleClient.dll
- system.design.dll System.Design.dll
- system.directoryservices.dll System.DirectoryServices.dll
- system.dll System.dll
- system.drawing.design.dll System.Drawing.Design.dll
- system.drawing.dll System.Drawing.dll
- system.enterpriseservices.dll Microsoft .NET Services Support Infrastructure
- system.enterpriseservices.thunk.dll Microsoft .NET Services Native Thunks
- system.management.dll Microsoft .NET library for Management
- system.messaging.dll System.Messaging.dll
- system.resources.dll
- system.runtime.remoting.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Object Remoting
- system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Soap Serialization Library
- system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.resources.dll
- system.security.dll System.Security.dll
- system.serviceprocess.dll System.ServiceProcess.dll
- system.serviceprocess.resources.dll
- system.web.dll System.Web.dll
- system.web.mobile.dll System.Web.Mobile.dll
- system.web.regularexpressions.dll System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll
- system.web.resources.dll
- system.web.services.dll System.Web.Services.dll
- system.web.services.resources.dll
- system.windows.forms.dll System.Windows.Forms.dll
- system.windows.forms.resources.dll
- system.xml.dll System.Xml.dll
- system.xml.resources.dll
- systeminfo.dll SystemInfo
- systweak.dll Systweak Advanced System Optimizer
- sytrus.dll Sytrus Synthesizer
- SQLite3.dll SQLite3 Dynamic Link Library
- steam_api64.dll Steam Client API
- sdkencryptedappticket.dll
- SDL_net.dll SDL_net
- SetVolume64.dll Driver Booster
- SCNPST32.DLL Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores
- sysdllzf.dll FIFA 15
- SDL2.dll SDL
- sbdrop.dll Sidebar droptarget
- sqmapi.dll
- sysspecdata.dll
- shellbrd.dll
- SetupUi.dll
- SetupEngine.dll
- SkyDriveShell.dll
- SkyDriveTelemetry.dll
- Settings_b.dll
- swresample-2.dll